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The reorganization of companies through mergers and acquisitions

  • Номер работы:
  • Раздел:
  • Год добавления:
    17.04.2018 г.
  • Объем работы:
    14 стр.
  • Содержание:
    Introduction……………………………………………………………… 3
    Part 1. The notion of mergers and acquisitions…………………………. 4
    1.1. History of the terms merger and acquisitions……………………. 4
    1.2. Main types of mergers and acquisitions………………………… 6
    Part 2. Mechanism of functioning of mergers and acquisitions……….. 8
    2.1. Features of MBO and LBO transactions…………………….. 8
    2.2. Analysis of the efficiency of mergers and acquisitions……… 9
    Conclusion……………………………………………………………… 12
    Bibliography……………………………………………………………. 13
    Glossary………………………………………………………………… 14
  • Выдержка из работы:
    Некоторые тезисы из работы по теме The reorganization of companies through mergers and acquisitions

    Russian companies have accumulated a certain experience of participation in the processes of consolidation of investments. The analysis of this experience, together with a comprehensive study of the legal and regulatory framework, is of the considerable interest.
    The increased interest in the reorganization of companies as a way of concentrating capital is also caused by objective processes of restructuring of the Russian economic system and creation of bases for consecutive economic growth. The mechanism of transformation of companies is widely used during the economy crisis. It gives reason to raise the question of the development of an effective and efficient apparatus of reorganization of companies using the stock market in Russia.
    Reorganization is understood as the “restructuring of a firm"s operations, in order to concentrate on core activities and outsource peripheral ones, often requiring reduction in workforce ”.
    Part 1. The Notion of Mergers and Acquisitions
    1.1. The History of the Terms “Mergers and Acquisitions”

    There are different approaches to defining and classifying mergers and acquisitions in the economic literature.
    A merger is “the joining together of two separate companies or organizations so that they become one ”. Mergers refer to the transfer of all rights and obligations of two or more companies to a new entity in the reorganization process.
    An acquisition is the termination of one or more companies with the transfer of all their rights and obligations to another legal entity. Both mergers and acquisitions involve the transfer of control over the activities of companies, which can be both formal and informal.
    Mergers and acquisitions became widespread in the United States in the late nineteenth century.
    Experts identify five most pronounced waves in the development of these processes, each of which has its own characteristics.
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