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Лингвостилистические и структурные особенности кратких газетных сообщений на материале современной британской и американской прессы. Stylistic peculiarities of Newspaper headlines. Pragmatic aspect (on the basis of contemporary British and American press)

  • Номер работы:
  • Раздел:
  • Год добавления:
    31.05.2011 г.
  • Объем работы:
    64 стр.
  • Содержание:

    I. Theoretical part. General note on newspaper style of language…………......6
    1.1 The newspaper style…………………………………………………………….6
    1.2 Substyles of newspaper style…………………………………………………. 12
    1.3. Lexical peculiarities of newspaper style. Emotive lexis……………………....21
    1.4. Stylistic devices in newspaper style…………………………………………...26
    1.5 Pragmatics of newspaper items……………………………………………..….30
    II. Practical part. The analysis of newspaper headlines …………………...…..32
    2.1 The analysis of lexis of short newspaper headlines…………………….……....33
    2.2 Grammatical and syntactical constructions of newspaper headlines ……….....37
    2.3. Stylistic peculiarities of newspaper headlines …………………………...........41
    2.4. The analysis of pragmatic of newspaper headlines…………………………....50
    Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………....54
    Bibliography …………………………………………………………………….…56

  • Выдержка из работы:
    Некоторые тезисы из работы по теме Лингвостилистические и структурные особенности кратких газетных сообщений на материале современной британской и
    американской прессы. Stylistic peculiarities of Newspaper headlines. Pragmatic aspect (on the basis of contemporary British and American press)


    In the era of the economic globalization and the information globalization, the press and various media is an important source to access information. The special English used in the press is the news English. Knowing the features in news English can help us get more accurate information around the world, and can fully enjoy the fastness and convenience of the information age.
    With the development of mass media, newspaper is one of the major media for us to get information all over the world. Nowadays English newspaper is very popular and read all over the world. However, many people still have difficulty in understanding English newspaper headlines even for some English majors. This is because English newspaper headlines have their own special features, culture backgrounds and different from the daily English we used in many aspects. This paper will then focus on the lexical, structure features and stylistic devices of English newspaper headlines.
    Chapter II. Practical part. The analysis of newspaper headlines

    A headline has become an indispensable part of newspaper. The editor means to attract the reader’s attention through headlines. As a result, newspaper headlines are usually specially designed to be short, concise, and informative to convey different kinds of information. without some knowledge of news headline features, it is not easy for us to read English newspaper. This chapter has summarized the study of newspaper development in recent years and presents the lexical features, structure features and rhetorical devices of English newspaper headlines in details.
    Here V.V. Vinogradov distinguishes between various types of correlation between the headline and the key sentence, or between the summarizing sentence and the headline . The key sentences are introductory elements, which have an advertising function, i.e. they advertise the context of the following text. O.I. Moskalskaya distinguishes between the topic sentence and the key sentence. The former is only an introduction to the main idea, which is to follow. In the newspaper the topic sentence has the initial position . This can be explained by the fact that the author tends to the maximum clarity of the narration.
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Лингвостилистические и структурные особенности кратких газетных сообщений на материале современной британской и американской прессы. Stylistic peculiarities of Newspaper headlines. Pragmatic aspect (on the basis of contemporary British and American press) - похожая информация

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