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Стилистические функции и виды окказионализмов в современном английском языке/Stylistic Functions and Types of Occasional Words in Modern English

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    69 стр.
  • Содержание:

    Introduction 3
    Chapter 1. Phenomenon of Occasional Word in Modern English 6
    1.1. Definition of the notion “occasional word” 6
    1.2. Classifications of occasional words 13
    1.3. Functions of occasional words in different functional styles 19
    Summary of Results 24
    Chapter 2. Functions and Types of Occasional Words in Belles-lettres and Mass Media 26
    2.1. Occasional words in belles-lettres 26
    2.1.1. Types of occasional words in belles-lettres 26
    2.1.2. Stylistic functions of occasional words in belles-lettres 37
    2.2. Occasional words in mass media 43
    2.2.1. Types of occasional words in mass media 43
    2.2.2. Stylistic functions of occasional words in mass media 54
    Summary of Results 60
    Conclusion 61
    Bibliography 63
  • Выдержка из работы:

    New words are continuously created in the English language. It is the process of language dynamics. In the modern epoch of innovational technologies and development of different scientific branches occasional words are a part of many written and spoken texts.
    The problem of occasional words cannot be called understudies. Scientists investigate different aspects of new words such as semantic, lexicographical, structural, derivational, morphological, sociolinguistic aspects, and other. Nevertheless, the interest towards the study of occasional words is still strong. It can be explained by the fact that investigation of new words in the language will never be finished because replenishing of the language vocabulary is a continuous process which must be constantly investigated.
    Consequently, the topicality of the present research can be explained by the strong interest of linguistics towards occasional words, their function in texts of different functional styles. More over, in spite of manifold investigations in this sphere, the theme of occasional words in the English language cannot be called fully studied. It concerns primarily stylistic possibilities of occasional words in different texts (in the present paper, in belles-lettres and mass media texts).
    According to the topicality of the theme we can define the aim of the present paper which consists in the analysis of stylistic functions and types of occasional words in modern English.
    The tasks of the present research are the following:
    1. To give definitions to the notion “occasional word”.
    2. To study different classifications of the notion “occasional word”.
    3. To examine functions of occasional words in different functional styles.
    4. To analyze types and stylistic functions of occasional words in belles-lettres.
    Chapter 1. Phenomenon of Occasional Word in Modern English
    1.1. Definition of the notion “occasional word”

    Phenomenon of occasional word is studied by both Russian and foreign linguists. Russian researchers mostly use the notion “occasional word” for the description of shortly lived neologisms in the language. The origin of this notion is not clear. N.N. Kryukova believes that the term “occasional word” was firstly introduced in 1957 by N. Feldman in the article “Occasional Words and Lexicography” in order to nominate new words which do not apply to the usage and language tradition and exist only in the given context [15].
    From the point of view of E. Smirnova, the notion “occasional word” was used for the first time in the work of H. Paul under the title “Principles of the History of Language” in order to nominate the process of a departure in individual use from the usual meanings of the words [52].
    Foreign linguists often use the terms “nonce word” or “nonce formation” with the same aim. The term “nonce” is of Middle English origin – phrase “for the nones” and previous term “for then anes” with the meaning “for the one (occasion)”. This meaning of the term was usual in the 13th century. But linguistic notion “nonce word”, according to J. Jeske, was firstly used only in the late 19th century [39].
    The definition of the notion “occasional word” is not monosemous. Researchers take as a basis different aspect of occasional words’ study in order to make a definition. For instance, definitions of the notion “occasional word” made by most Russian researchers rely upon the aspect of contextuality of new words. Thus, L.G. Babenko believes that occasional words are contextual neologisms which exist only in the given context [4].
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