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Гражданское право как отрасль

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    18 стр.
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    Contents 2
    Introduction 3
    1. General characteristic of the branch of the civil liberty 4
    1.1 Concept of the branch of the civil liberty 4
    1.2 Object of the civil-legal regulation 6
    2.1. Concept of the principles of the civil liberty 14
    2.2 Functions of the civil liberty 16
    Conclusion 18

  • Выдержка из работы:
    A right of Russian Federation forms the specific system, the largest components, by which are called branches the rights. The object and the method of legal regulation usually are used as the criteria of the differentiation of the branches of right. With the aid of the object and the method it is possible not only to isolate civil liberty from the united system of Russian right, but also to reveal also its special features. Civil liberty as the branch of right is that internally organized on the principles of unity and differentiation the totality of the rules of law, which regulate the based on the equality, the autonomy wills and the property independence of participants, but in the cases, directly provided by the current legislation, and on the imperious subordination of one side of another property relations, and also the based on the equality, the autonomy wills and the property independences of participants, connected with the property the personal non-property relations, and the personal non-property relations, not connected with the property, if another does not escape from the essence of these relations.
    2. Principles and the function of the civil liberty

    2.1. Concept of the principles of the civil liberty

    By legal principles is understood directive, idea the basic beginnings of right, which express objective regularities, tendencies and needs of the social development, which determine the essence of entire system, branch or the institute of the rights, fixed within the standards of the current legislation and which have in view of their legal fastening obligatory value.
    The civil liberty of any country, including of Russia, has its principles, by which are understood the basic beginnings, which characterize the system of civil juridical relationships, their determining basis structures and developments.
    The leading role of civil liberty is caused also by the totality of those principles, on which it is based. The principles of civil liberty are tightly connected with the methods of legal regulation the principles of branch, its basic beginnings.
    The principles of civil liberty - these are the fixed in the legal reports obligatory positions, idea, the beginnings, which pierce entire civil liberty, is expressed to the trend of development and need of society and is characterized civil liberty as a whole. The basic beginnings (principles) of civil liberty are named in sec. 1 of CC.
    • Principles of the equality of the legal decision of the subjects of civil juridical relationships. By equality of participants in the civil juridical relationships should be understood their juridical (but not economic) equality according to the relation to each other that symbolizes the presence of the horizontal rights between the participants, who are not found in official and other juridical co-ordination.
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