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    40 стр.
  • Содержание:

    Introduction 2
    Chapter 1. Politics and geography of Wales 4
    1.1. Nature and geographical location 4
    1.2. Government and politics 8
    1.3. Capital of Wales 10
    1.4. National symbols 14
    Chapter 2. Welsh culture and traditions 20
    2.1. Sport 20
    2.2. Cuisine 24
    2.3. Music 28
    2.4. Welsh customs 30
    Conclusion 35
    Bibliography 37

  • Выдержка из работы:

    Wales is a country that is part of the United Kingdom, bordered by England to its east, and the Atlantic Ocean and Irish Sea to its west. Wales has a population estimated at three million and is officially bilingual; both Welsh and English have equal status and bilingual signs are the norm throughout the land. For the majority English is their only language, although the once-steady decline in Welsh speaking has reversed over recent years, with the total of Welsh speakers currently estimated to be around 20% of the population.
    Historically, Wales was has been inhabited by Celts since the Iron Age, and is regarded as one of the modern Celtic nations today. A distinct Welsh national identity emerged in the early 5th century, after the Roman withdrawal from Britain. In the 13th-century, the defeat of Llewelyn by Edward I completed the Anglo-Norman conquest of Wales and brought about centuries of English occupation. Wales was subsequently incorporated into England with the Laws in Wales Acts 1535–1542, creating the legal entity known today as England and Wales. Distinctive Welsh politics developed in the 19th century, and in 1881 the Welsh Sunday Closing Act became the first legislation applied exclusively to Wales. In 1955 Cardiff was proclaimed as the capital city.
    Chapter 2. Welsh culture and traditions

    2.1. Sport

    The most popular sports in Wales are rugby union and football. Wales, like other constituent nations, enjoys independent representation in major world sporting events such as the FIFA World Cup, Rugby World Cup and in the Commonwealth Games (however as Great Britain in the Olympics). As in New Zealand, rugby is a core part of the national identity, although football has traditionally been the more popular sport in the North Wales. Wales has its own governing bodies in rugby, the Welsh Rugby Union and in football, the Football Association of Wales (the third oldest in the world) and most other sports. Many of Wales's top athletes, sportsmen and sportswomen train at the Welsh Institute of Sport and National Indoor Athletics Centre in Cardiff, the Wales National Velodrome in Newport and the Wales National Pool in Swansea.
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