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Роль степеней сравнения прилагательных при выражении категории интенсивности. The role of the degrees of comparison adjectives in the expression of the category of intensity

  • Номер работы:
  • Раздел:
  • Год добавления:
    30.04.2018 г.
  • Объем работы:
    26 стр.
  • Содержание:
    Introduction 3
    Chapter 1. Category of Intensity in Modern Linguistics 5
    1.1. The Notion of Intensity 5
    1.2. Intensity as a Grammatical Category 6
    1.3. Means of Language Expression of Intensity in the English Language 10
    Chapter 2. Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives as One of the Means of Intensity Expression (on the material of English belles-lettres) 14
    2.1. Intensity Expression in the English Literature 14
    2.2. Usage of Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives for Intensity Expression in the English Literature 17
    Conclusion 22
    Bibliography 24

  • Выдержка из работы:
    Некоторые тезисы из работы по теме Роль степеней сравнения прилагательных при выражении категории интенсивности. The role of the degrees of comparison adjectives in the expression of the category of intensity

    The category of Intensity and means of its expression with the help of language means is the subject of great interest for most modern linguists. Nowadays there are a lot of scientific works devoted to the category of intensity and its various representations including the main means – the degrees of comparison of adjectives. Nevertheless, this category cannot be called fully and thoroughly investigated in the modern linguistics. This can be proved by other synonymic categories, disputable terms and absence of a strict scheme of intensity expression.
    Consequently, the topicality of the present research is stipulated, firstly, by the great interest of modern scientists to the problem of intensity, secondly, by insufficient study of this problem in the modern science.
    The object of the research is the category of intensity in the English language.
    Chapter 1. Category of Intensity in Modern Linguistics
    1.1. The Notion of Intensity

    The term “intensity” is used in Russian and foreign linguistics in order to nominate the process of intensification (or strengthening) of some features of language items. But it must be mentioned that nowadays there is not any unique and monosemous definition of this notion. More over, the term “intensity” is often seen as equal to the terms “expressiveness”, “emotionality”, and “evaluativity”.
    The notion of the term “intensity” is also disputable because many researchers doubt if it is possible to distinguish an independent language category of intensity due to its similarity with the above mentioned language categories.
    The term “intensity” has Latin roots (intensio – strengthening, pressure). As a general term it is understood in lexicographical resources of the English language in the following ways:
    1) firstly, as the quality of being intense (the pain grew in intensity);
    2) secondly, as the measurable amount of a property, such as force, brightness, or a magnetic field (hydrothermal processes of low intensity) [14].
    In linguistic aspect the term “intensity” can be also viewed differently.
    The Russian researcher G.I. Radchenko defines intensity as a measure of expressivity, degree of emotionality and its expression in the language (for example, the quantitative characteristics of an object) [7, p.8].
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Роль степеней сравнения прилагательных при выражении категории интенсивности. The role of the degrees of comparison adjectives in the expression of the category of intensity - похожая информация

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