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Прагмалингвистические особенности британского предвыборного дискурса (на примере дебатов 2010 года между Клеггом, Брауном и Кэмероном)

  • Номер работы:
  • Раздел:
  • Год добавления:
    21.06.2017 г.
  • Объем работы:
    36 стр.
  • Содержание:
    1.1 Pre-Election Debates as a Genre of Political Communication 6
    1.2 Ministerial Candidates of Great Britain as the Main Actors of Pre-Election Debates 11
    2.1 Nick Clegg 17
    2.2 Gordon Brown 22
    2.3 David Cameron 25

  • Выдержка из работы:
    Некоторые тезисы из работы по теме Прагмалингвистические особенности британского предвыборного дискурса (на примере дебатов 2010 года между Клеггом, Брауном и Кэмероном)

    Pre-election discourse is a genre of political discourse which is considered to be one of the most examined and researched discourses in modern linguistics. The popularity of political discourse within the framework of its linguistic study is stipulated by the fact that politics plays a major role in the modern human society of every country, including Great Britain. People are very interested in the political events taken place in their own country. They want to take part in political decisions, to choose their leaders and leading parties. Consequently, they want to get more information about political affairs throughout the country and abroad.
    Election is one of the most important political processes in the modern society. Candidates to some political posts organize extensive pre-election campaigns. And pre-election debates televised in most countries of the world are today the traditional structural part of the election process in political sphere.
    Pragmalinguistic and discursive peculiarities of pre-election discourse play a great role in the process of decision making. Communicative features of the candidates’ speeches influence greatly the process and the result of the elections. Consequently, they are to be investigated within the framework of linguistics.
    The object of the present research is political discourse. Its subject is British pre-election discourse which has specific pragmalinguistic peculiarities different from those of other types of discourses.
    1.1 Pre-Election Debates as a Genre of Political Communication
    Pre-election debates are examined in modern linguistics as a genre of political communication. Consequently, it is a part of narration in the field of politics which can be described as a specific sphere of human activity which is a combination of speech actions by its nature [Шейгал 1998: 28].
    The global style of political communication is called political discourse. The term “discourse” is relatively understood, according to T. Venediktova, as a specific nature of description, discussion and structuralizing of the material [Венедиктова 2001].
    The notion “political discourse” is defined as a kind of “institutional discourse, taking place in institutional setting and being thus constrained by particularized contextual requirements, such as selection of discourse topics from the domain of institution, a preference for more neutral discursive styles and discourse identities, and a turn-taking system constrained by the requirements of institution as regards possible self-selection and length of turns” [Fetzer 2013: 1].
    Following the opinion of P. Cap and U. Okulska, we will consider debates to be “a hybrid genre which mixes aspects of both political interviews and speeches” [Cap, Okulska 2013: 299].
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