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Main problems of modern lexicograpfy

  • Номер работы:
  • Раздел:
  • Год добавления:
    30.01.2017 г.
  • Объем работы:
    73 стр.
  • Содержание:
    Table of contents

    Introduction 3
    Chapter 1. History and Development of Lexicography 6
    1.1. Three periods of the development of lexicography in different countries 6
    1.2. Key stages in development of English lexicography 16
    Summary of Results 23
    Chapter 2. Characteristics of Printed and Electronic Dictionaries 25
    2.1. Distinctive features of dictionaries 25
    2.2. Types of electronic dictionaries and their distinction from printed dictionaries 36
    Summary of Results 46
    Chapter 3. Main problems of dictionary compiling 48
    3.1. Comparison of electronic and printed dictionaries, their advantages and disadvantages 48
    3.2. Weak points of electronic and printed dictionaries 54
    Summary of Results 62
    Conclusion 63
    Bibliography 66
    Appendix 1. 71
    Appendix 2. 72
    Appendix 3. 73

  • Выдержка из работы:
    Некоторые тезисы из работы по теме Main problems of modern lexicograpfy

    The role of lexicography as a science cannot be overstated. It is linked with the fact that the science investigating the means of dictionary compiling is today formed as an independent scientific branch. Consequently, there is great lexicological interest towards this new discipline. In our dynamic and highly technological world the means of information spread have greatly changed. The new means of lexicographical resources constantly appear, including electronic dictionaries pushing out their paper printed counterparts.
    The topicality of the present research consists, firstly, in the great interest of lexicographers towards the changes in the sphere of modern lexicography, and secondly, in the necessity of information systematization concerning lexicographical resources of modern and previous periods.
    The aim of the present research is to examine main problems of modern lexicography.
    The tasks of the research are the following:
    1. To examine history and development of lexicography science in England and other countries.
    2. To study distinctive features of dictionaries.
    3. To characterize main types of electronic dictionaries and their distinction from printed dictionaries.
    4. To make a comparative analysis of electronic and printed dictionaries, to stress out their advantages and disadvantages.
    5. To investigate weak points of electronic and printed dictionaries.
    The object of the research is lexicography as an independent scientific branch.
    Chapter 1. History and Development of Lexicography
    1.1. Three periods of the development of lexicography in different countries

    Nowadays the notion of lexicography as an independent linguistic science is studied by linguists mostly in diachronic aspect. In other words, one of the most interesting questions concerning lexicography is the history of its development. This aspect is investigated in the scientific works of Russian and foreign researchers such as I.V. Arnold (2012), G.M. Babich (2008), N.S. Dash (2016), E.M. Dubenets (2005), Ph. Durkin (2015), R. Gouws (2014), P. Hanks (2013), W. Klein (2015), G.A. Kleparski (2008), T. Magay (2000), L.V. Minaeva (2007), L.V. Shcherba (2004), and others.
    In order to examine the history of lexicography development, we should first of all study the notion of lexicography.
    The term “lexicography” (from Greek lexicos ‘about words’ and graphia ‘writing”) dates from the 17th century. But in its pure linguistic sense it is a quite young phenomenon. Consequently, it can have several meanings.
    The first definition of the notion “lexicography” states that lexicography is just “the theory and practice of compiling dictionaries” [3, 40].
    But this definition can be observed in the early researches, as in the first edition of The Great Soviet Encyclopedia. In the following editions the notion of lexicography related to a definite branch of linguistics dealing with the theory and practice of compiling dictionaries [7, 5].
    This second notion can be observed in most Russian and foreign researches of lexicography.
    Thus, Russian professor and candidate of philological sciences G.N. Babich defines the analyzed notion as “a branch of applied linguistics dealing with the theory and practice of compiling dictionaries (…) the writing of a lexicon or dictionary; the art or practice of writing dictionaries” [2, 133].
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