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Концептуальная метафора в новых английских сленгизмах

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    73 стр.
  • Содержание:

    Introduction 3

    Chapter I. Characteristic features of cognitive metaphor and slang 6
    1.Feature articles: conceptual metaphor in everyday language 6
    2. The semantics of conceptual metaphor and metaphors in slang 16
    Chapter II. Cognitive metaphor and slang by classification of Elisa Mattiello 36
    1. Slang and its history 36
    2. Characteristics of slang 44
    3. Description of morphology, semantics and sociology of slang 51
    4.Cognitive metaphor in new English slang 59

    Conclusion 68
    Literature 71
  • Выдержка из работы:
    G. K. Chesterton

    Relevance of the topic. In the last decade of the twentieth century the problem of the status of metaphor in conceptual theory began to attract the attention of linguists, as there was impetus for the development of cognitive science. Cognitive metaphor appeared in Focus on research of prominent linguists: J. Lakoff, M. Johnson, M. Black and others.
    Background of the study is due to orientation today Linguistic Studies in better understanding of the functioning of cognitive metaphor in literary discourse. The suggested approach installation features of cognitive metaphor in a new detective, as provides a comprehensive analysis of the implementation of cognitive metaphor in terms of translation.
    Modern linguistics is characterized by an increase in interest in lexical substandards that are important in the formation of language picture of a particular region. Slang - one of these linguistic phenomena that goes the scope of the common rules. Translated in English, the term means either socially or professionally language separate group as opposed to literary language, spoken language or option that is different from the norm literary language .
    Chapter I. Characteristic features of cognitive metaphor and slang

    1.Feature articles: conceptual metaphor in everyday language

    Most linguists and lexicographers admit that the origin of the word slang is «uncertain» or «unknown». One notable exception is Skeat, a lexicographer, who claims that slang («vulgar language») is of Scandinavian origin and a derivation of Icelandic slyngva («to sling»), which can be compared with the Norwegian verb slengja («to sling the jaw») and the Norwegian noun slengjeord («slang word»), used for insulting words. In a similar vein, Partridge referred by Eble in her book «Slang and Sociability; in-group language among college students» says that certain resemblances between English word slang and the Scandinavian sling suggest that the words have developed from a common Germanic root .
    In contrast, one of the Swedish researchers on slang Anna-Brita Stenstrom, in her article «From slang to slanguage: a description based on teenage talk» shows that one of the Swedish dictionaries consulted «Bonniers Stora Lexicon» maintains that the Swedish word slang comes from English slang, and that the origin is unknown. Also she provides an identical opinion of Swedish encyclopedia «Nationalencyclopedin», which states that the word slang was not introduced in the Nordic countries until the middle of the 19th century. The first occurrence of the word slang is dated 1756 in the OED, according to which ultimate source is «not apparent». Consequently, word «slang» appeared in English language earlier than in the languages of Scandinavian countries.
    Another view on the appearance of the word slang suggests that it is not an English word; it is the Gipsy term for their secret language. Some other philologists consider it derived from French.
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